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If you wish to check the validity of any certificate or document issued by St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry please send your enquiry by fax or email to us. You should include the following details of the certificate you are checking;


  • Name of Ship
  • IMO Number
  • SKN Official Number
  • Title of Certificate i.e. Certificate of Registry, Radio Station Licence
  • Certificate Control Number (stamped at the foot of the certificate, also known as Controlled Certificate number on older certificates)


To check COE & CDC issued with a controlled certificate number starting with END or SKN 090 , you can check online by:

  • Navigating to http://www.sknseafarers.com/
  • Click on the Seafarer Verification link on the left hand menu
  • Provide the required details and click submit request

To check COE & CDC issued with a controlled certificate number starting with SKAN_SENXXXX or SKAN_SDBXXXX , you can check online by: