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There are no restrictions on ownership of St. Kitts and Nevis ships, this being available to St. Kitts & Nevis corporations, foreign corporations and individuals. All parties will be subject to Know Your Client (KYC) procedures upon enquiry or application to register. 

When a ship is first registered with St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry and the ship is owned by a St. Kitts & Nevis corporation having its registered office in the Federation or a St. Kitts & Nevis national or citizen resident in the Federation, that owner will be entitled to a 50% reduction off the Registration fee. Full ownership requirements are detailed in the Merchant Shipping Act..


A Representative Person is a requirement of the Registrar for Ship Registration. According to the Ship Ownership Qualification Regulations 2005, the Representative Person so appointed shall be a regulated business activity according to the Proceeds of Crime Act, 2000.

How to obtain details of available Service Providers is on this site.


In accordance with The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act of 2005, the Port of Registry may be either Basseterre, on the island of St. Kitts or Charlestown, on the island of Nevis.

In accordance with the Registrar’s operational procedures from 1st May 2005;

  • The Port of Registry for foreign individuals, foreign corporations or St. Kitts corporations will be Basseterre and
  • The Port of Registry for Nevis corporations will be Charlestown.

Before 1st May 2005, the Port of Registry was Port Zante. Those ships are already registered with the PoR as Port Zante, will continue to use Port Zante which will be shown as the PoR on the certificates for their ship(s)


Individuals who are owners/operators of vessels and reside in St. Kitts & Nevis should, in the first instance, contact the Director of Maritime Affairs, Mr Wayne Edmeade.

Mr Edmeade can be contacted using the following details:


Mr Wayne Edmeade
Director of Maritime Affairs

Ministry of International Transport. P.O. Box 878, Pelican Mall
Basseterre, St. Kitts, W.I